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TinyEYE Blog

Effective Use of Robots in Schools

Posted by Danielle Levesque |

Robots are Helping Schools and Families Reach New Heights

It’s no secret that robots have been making headlines and appearing on television shows lately. In fact, if you caught the season 6 finale of Modern Family—“American Skyper”—you had the chance to see one in action.

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Topics: Special Education Director, Speech Therapy Robot,, #RobotsInSchool, Occupational Therapy Robot, Telepractice Robot

Can a robot REALLY teach my students?

Posted by TinyEYE |


This is a picture we’ve held in our minds for over a decade. Some of us picture the classic TV show “The Jetsons” where Elroy’s class is taught by a robot. Others picture the scene from “The Matrix”, where upon downloading the information into his mind, Keanu Reeves announces “I know Kung Fu!” But aside from these futuristic examples, our real-life experience with robots has been limited to our household appliances and remote-control cars.

So, why can these robots teach our children where none could before? Simple. They aren’t just robots. 

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Topics: online occupational therapy program, Remote Speech Therapy, Online Speech Therapy, Speech Therapy Robot,, #RobotsInSchool, Occupational Therapy Robot

A TinyEYE Robot Experience of a Lifetime

Posted by Tiffany |

A Williams Valley Elementary student received the surprise of his life last week when his Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) rolled into the school as a robot. Christian is an eleven-year-old tech-enthusiast attending the elementary school. He has been meeting with his online TinyEYE SLP for a year now, was one of the driving forces behind this new addition to the school.

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Topics: Speech-Langugage Pathology, Speech Therapy Robot,, #RobotsInSchool

4 Common Misconceptions of Online Therapy: Busted

Posted by TinyEYE |

With the increased adoption of technology within schools across North America, it leaves one to wonder how this is impacting our youth. It seems that everywhere we turn there’s no getting away from there is a new technology. Like it or not, the future is here…along with the list of critics opposed to this shift. For those who have already opened their doors to online therapy (also known as telepractice), the ability to serve students with speech and occupational therapy disorders has shone through as paramount. It is our hope that the Speech-Language Pathology and Occupational Therapy community become educated on the vast benefits this new form of delivery provides through the use of traditional telepractice, as well as the next generation of telepractice in introducing robot doubles to the classroom.

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Topics: occupational therapy telepractice, Speech Therapy Telepractice, Online Speech Therapy, online occupatonal therapy, TinyEYE Robot,, #RobotsInSchool, myths

Q & A: Robots in Schools - Your Questions, Answered

Posted by TinyEYE |

A couple weeks ago, we asked what you want to know about the TinyEYE robot. You had some great questions, and we have done our very best to answer them!


I wonder if the robot would be used for 5th grade and higher?

Yes. Much like our "traditional" remote therapy service, the robot can be used for any age group. The robot is as flexible as the therapist running it. We work with you to develop a plan for your service, and maintain a constant relationship with each school to ensure that the program is meeting and exceeding expectations.

Did y'all borrow this from Big Bang Theory? #Shelbot

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Topics: Speech Therapy Robot,, TinyEYE Robot,, #RobotsInSchool, Occupational Therapy Robot, Shelbot, Q&A



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