Hi Everyone,
My private practice is growing!!! I am looking for speech therapists to join me. Work from home using TinyEYE to perform therapy - great for stay at home moms/dads who want to work. Please get in contact by emailing info@tinyeye.com or call us 1-877-864-9393 (306-955-1911).
If a school district in your area needs Speech-Language Pathologists, please let me know by email as we at TinyEYE can help!

Marnee Brick, MSc
Speech-Language Pathologist and Director of Speech Therapy
TinyEYE Therapy Services (Speech Therapy Telepractice)

http://www.TinyEYE.com-Online Speech Therapy Telepractice

School Districts: Recruiting Speech-Language Pathologists? Job Boards not working? Click this link!