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TinyEYE Blog

MSHA Bestows Award to TinyEYE for Providing Quality Services

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MSHA Bestows Award to TinyEYE for Providing Quality Services

“Receiving an award for passion and commitment is far greater than winning in any other category.” ~ David, TinyEYE

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Topics: online occupational therapy, speech-language pathologist, telepractice, TinyEYE, Jobs, Marnee Brick, Speech Therapy, SLP, MSHA, online speech language pathologist, Occupational Therapy, online occupational therapist, OT, Awards, David Rubinstein, Montana, Online Speech Therapy, MSHA fall conference 2013, Special Education

Online Speech Therapy Co-Founders Recognized at Legislative Assembly

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Topics: Trent Wotherspoon, Manning Innovation Award, speech-language pathologist, Dan Autremont, telepractice, TinyEYE, Greg Sutton, Marnee Brick, Speech Therapy, SLP, legislative assembly, code of ethics, Bill Boyd, innovation, Awards, children, Saskatchewan, triumph, Online Speech Therapy

TinyEYE Wins Award for Excellence

Posted by TinyEYE |

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strength. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."

~ Arnold Schwarzenegger

Roshan Hoover and Greg Sutton celebrating the award on behalf of the TinyEYE team.

TinyEYE won an award of excellence for health innovation. Being recognized for innovation is heartening since it implies that something of value was created because of an idea, blended in with all the factors that transcend a dream.

Idea: To build software and services to reach children who are in need of speech therapy. Yes, I would “beam” to communities with all my fun therapy tools at my fingertips. Kids would learn that their listening ears and words are magical because characters on the screen would animate at their request. Parents and teachers would have support services anytime. Cars and pens would become irrelevant to reaching children and making a difference. What an idea.

On day #1 of our mission, Greg told me that if our idea were going to work, we would have to remember the rules:

RULE #1: Acknowledge that there will be highs, there will be lows

RULE #2: We must never, ever quit during a low

Believe me, there were many times when one of us had to remind the other to “check the rules and call me in the morning – it is against the rules to quit during a low”. Each time we got back up and stood on top of a “low”, we gained competence, stamina, and a step closer to excellence.

Fast forward to today – you will see a bustling team of believers who contribute to our students through the creation of leading edge software, the provision of specialized therapy services, and the cultivation of honourable business practices. We believe so strongly in our purpose that we would continue with or without recognition. However, we really value and appreciate receiving an award of excellence for something we have breathed our hearts into year after year, through the highs and over the lows. With all the strength that Greg, CEO, earned on his road to receiving an award of excellence, he was well prepared to accept the honour. The next day, he shared this with our team:

On Saturday night, at the 26th annual Saskatchewan Awards for Business Excellence – ABEX Awards, TinyEYE won the Health Innovation Award. I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for your hard work and dedication in making this happen. There are over 40,000 businesses in Saskatchewan and being a finalist for these prestigious awards is honour enough, winning one is truly amazing. We truly have a remarkable team!!!!

If a school district in your area needs Speech-Language Pathologists, please let me know by email as we at TinyEYE can help!

All the best to you,

Marnee Brick, MSc
Speech-Language Pathologist and Director of Speech Therapy
TinyEYE Therapy Services (Speech Therapy Telepractice)

Growing smiles, mending spirits, engaging children in their lives

http://www.TinyEYE.com-Online Speech Therapy Telepractice

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Topics: TinyEYE Therapy Services, telepractice, Telehealth, TinyEYE, Speech-Language Pathology, Marnee Brick, Speech Therapy Telepractice, Telespeech, ASHA, Awards, Remote Speech Therapy, Online Speech Therapy, Special Education

TinyEYE Nominated for Health Innovation Award

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Topics: Oprah, telepractice, TinyEYE, Marnee Brick, Speech Therapy Telepractice, Health Innovation Awards, Awards, Online Speech Therapy, Special Education

TinyEYE Pictures from SIMA Awards

Posted by TinyEYE |

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Topics: speech-language pathologist, Private Speech Therapists, TinyEYE, Marnee Brick, Future of Speech Therapy, Speech Therapy Telepractice, Awards, Online Speech Therapy, Special Education



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